Here it is the New Year again- 2020- and a new decade! Once again we are setting goals and making resolutions. For many people those resolutions or goals may involve travel, perhaps travelling to a destination they have always wanted to see, or to a resort at which they have always wanted to stay, or that river cruise they have always promised themselves. Perhaps you have promised yourself this is the year you will begin stepping outside of your comfort zone.
What is your comfort zone? And what does it mean to you to move outside of your comfort zone when it come to travel?

Gros Morne NP, Newfoundland
For some, it simply means heading to a new destination within North America- think of exploring Canada for Canada’s 150th birthday.

Iguazu Falls
For others, exploring a new continent is that step outside your comfort zone- Europe if you have never been, or travelling to Africa or South America to experience very different cultures.
And perhaps travelling without your husband on your own may be that giant step outside your comfort zone- or heading out on your own without friends……..
Whatever it is, people have different ways of “stepping outside their comfort zones”.
Whatever that step involves, we may not always enjoy the experience when it is happening, but, looking back, we have to admit:
- This is where the growth happens.
- This is where the solutions are.
- This is where fulfillment resides.
Michael Hyatt’s description of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone describes seven steps to maximize this process. He describes in another blog how travel can transform your life…..”wreck and transform” is the way he puts it….
I was so impressed with this article, that I thought I really had to include key points here- with kudos to Michael Hyatt!
Acknowledge the value of stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Lean into the experience- enjoy the discomfort…..
Notice your fear- but don’t be controlled by it……often pushing through it means the difference between success and failure…..
Don’t over-think it- you will never see the entire path ahead- as long as you see the next step, that is what is important
Play full out- jump in with both feet and give it your all…….
Celebrate the victory- recognize that victory and the people that helped you achieve it….
Pause to reflect- what went well? What did you enjoy? What would you change?

In South Africa at a Wildlife Refuge
For me, travel is one way of stepping outside my comfort zone. What would constitute stepping outside your comfort zone? If you are willing to give it a try, contact me today to help you plan your “outside your comfort zone trip”!